Oh believe me I know. America has the slowest wireless internet speeds of any highly industrialized country. From what I've read places like Japan...
As far as Ice Cream Sandwich goes, it's the best you're going to get. CM9 is still in it's alpha stage for our device, and while it's usable, it's...
Maybe in terms of customization sure, but I can flash away if that's what I'm going for. I want speed along with my fancy UI, and that's something...
No it won't be quad core. It's even better, it's a dual core A15 :) Makes me happy. And touchwiz isn't that bad. It's generally hated just...
Ooooh! This site has needed a thread like this :) I've been into the ROM scene since I got my first android phone. I have an Epic 4G Touch...
I already have a good amount of work posted here :P: it's just been a while
I didn't enlarge the tree, I cropped the image. And while I can agree with you on the rock (I think it sucks too, I couldn't get it to blend...
It's been a super long time since I've been active here, let alone done anything graphics related. I had random inspiration to make this. It's...
Hey love :)
Text is pretty pixelated, it doesn't look smoothened. Also, even though you blurred the background it's still the first thing I look at, not the...
Most sites died with the entrance of Halo Reach. Forgehub is the only one really left active. During Halo 3, there was xForgery, Monitor Built,...
Halo 2 Beam Rifle :)
:3 It was indeed
I haz CEA, will you play wiff me :3
I miss you. You didnt return my text. Douche.
You should send some nudes my way.
I dont know what that is.
Old school stock is oldschool. PS: I miss you.
I miss you babe.