Why wouldn't it be :)
My experience with alienwares? If you're damn set on getting an alienware, which it doesn't look like you are at this point, their laptops seem a...
If anyone's death was stupid, it was Kat's. Come now, she was mid sentence and someone flies by and shoots her once with a needle rifle and she...
Yup, I really doubt it was intended as an easter egg or a firefight map. Everything in Reach must be upscaled from prior Halo games to...
According to Colbert there was an estimated 6 billion people who attended ;)
Are you sure? I was under the impression that it was the exact opposite. All of Noble Team were spartan II's with the exception of Jorge who was a...
The way I see it, it's almost like a pause button, saying 'Hold on! We can continue this battle in a second, lemme just recharge my shields and...
The strut has so many uses, it's like the obelisk from H3 :3 Plus it has so many highlights so when you change the color it stands out a ton.
Does this thread make you want to punch something or is that just me?