Uhh no they are not you fool. No where at all on their website does it say that it is currently in the marketplace. ****ing moron.
Oh my god... That's more reason to advertise it you douche. What the **** a move trailers for you idiot?! You advertise things before they come...
WHAT THE HELL!!! NO. You're an idiot. It's a SLOGAN! It does not say "get mythic map pack now on: marketplace" as you have incorrectly stated in...
No, you're just a moron. I read the whole page, and tried to find what you're referring to. But in no way does anything on that page make me think...
What the hell are you talking about... You mean this? [img] [img] ... That's just a slogan you fool. This thread is made of fail...
I'm sorry, I'm just awesome like that
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/54977-sandbox-idea-adding-new-sub-forum.html#post701663 What can I say, I ****ing rule =D Though,...
Dems da breaks? If it's a good map, it'll get noticed. If it's crap it wont. If he really cares about wanting people to like it, hold off for...
Errr, it's an RTS. Have you never played them before? You start with a scout always, it's always been like that in Age of Empires [excluding the...
That's stupid tbh. Does this mean we should have had a sub forum for Foundry? And if not, should we now make one? I mean there are wayyyy more...
The only bad thing I would say about HaloWars is every time a cinematic comes up I keep thinking to myself, wow I wish I could get in there and...
Wow those images might just get me back into forging... **** that's cool. It's almost Quake like imo, the style of the map I mean.
I see... How odd Well mine's fine, so just to tease; [img]
And what's the one ring do?
What's wrong with your Xbox that causes you not to be able to download the demo? o.o
Credit were credit is due, I mean whoever uplpoads a colleghumour video to YouTube didn't make it, but the person who uploaded it to collegehumour...
What's the point of finding the same videos on YouTube when I can give the credit to the actual site that hosted them in the first place. Also the...
I don't want to pull anything down =D Infact, the opposite....
LMAO! Somewhere at customize.org... Ages ago...
Here's my current; [img] Nothing really special.