He means Watch the Series then the Movie I believe. Fix your writing Aubie.
The ultimate yui: [IMG]
The movie's good too. Watch that after.
HE's right, the only thing that makes railcraft a pain in the bum is the amount of iron you'll need to build all the super cool stuff. But the...
Good luck finding a decent alternative, railcraft has a monopoly over the minecart mods, and along with Steve's carts there's really no point in...
Railcraft. Anything else pales in comparison and it's not too hard to get started with either, and it adds soo much automation to the game.
Yes, the True route extras are a direct prequel to the new season.
New OreImo season! First episode went up today on HorribleSubs!
Welcome good sir, to FrogHub. ribbit. Show us your imagination creativity and skill :D
Wow. Just wow. That's some awesome stuff right there. I wish I was that awesome. Points to you good sir. Have an internet too.
Not a complaint, a statement. I don't care about this pointless thread, but pointless threads in a non-shitpost forum are retarded. Carry on as...
So this god-awful place is open again? good, no more pointless shitposting in the NON-SHITPOSTING forums.
Maybe more detailing on the orange ring as well for a better projection effect as they're never solid colours as they're seethrough a lot of the time.
Finished Katanagatari on the last day. I really liked the double length episodes as they helped keep what could have been a boring story going...