20th May. Wtf, why does aussieland get it first? I call bullshit.
Hello there good sir, welcome to the wonderful world of Froghub. If you want good tips on forging, the Frogcast forum would be a good place,...
You haven't searched enough. When's the album out again?
Elders React to Vocaloids! (Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin / Len) - YouTube :D:D:D:D
15 hours later... Sorry Noxy, they said no.
I've heard about a BRS dub but not seen anything about it recently. Some shows get an extra dimension when they get a dubbed series and it kinda...
I don't know why, but Rosario + Vampire is a bit better dubbed, but other than that, subs for everything.
lol, happy 1500 posts :P. Fate/Zero dub soon too. Anyone know where to find the recent Toaru Majutsu no Index: Endymino Kiseki movie subbed? I...
Well Furry, they're Human After All... cwatididthar?
NNNNNNNECRO BUMP Free DLC coming soon, 10 new cars, over 1000 new challenges. Forza Motorsport - Forza Horizon 1000 Club Expansion
Some of the Male VA's sound very alike, but the female VA's are easy to tell apart, even with completely different characters. Also, SAO fans can...
I don't just play shitty games :-(
You made me cry.
In response to rating my sig: [spoiler] [IMG] > [IMG] [/spoiler]
This. Album. Will. Be. Epic.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB. Yeah, watch the 2nd season. If you've not watched the first, DO IT. Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride also got released, same old...
No, it goes much deeper into the Misaka Sisters Storyline, which is where the manga is currently going. (Up to vol 6 anyway) I know the sisters...
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S. It's based off the manga a bit more than the first season, which I count as all 26 episodes.
Railgun Season 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as epic as the last season, I WANT MORE. Also found Photo Kano, a fanservice-y/ecchi anime about a guy...
Also, skip endless 8 unless you want to torture yourself for 8 episodes. Just watch the first and last ones, it's easier and still makes sense.