I'm not sure if that counts as advertising, but if it's for educational purposes I can't see it doing any harm. Welcome to ForgeHub dude.
Apparently you know each other. Now kiss. /BL harem
PM a yellow person to change your name. the wonderful RightSideTheory is your best bet, he's the god around here at the moment. If you like Halo...
We shall see! Love Hina pisses me off sometimes. Stop ****ing stalling and get with him dammit!
Epic necropost.
I know "anything good" isn't much to go on, but anything with a good story that keeps me engaged for a few chapters at a time.
Anyone got any good manga recommendations? I want to read more, but I can't find any good ones that I haven't seen the anime for.
It just didn't appeal to me
OOOOOOOOOOOur Whole Universe Was In A Hot Dense State, Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started. Wait... The Earth began to cool, The...
Short answer: no. Long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Science makes...
Summer Wars is ****ing awesome, I need to watch The Girl Who Leapt Throught Time... Beautiful week at anime. This mean't we watched K, Amnesia,...
That's a great concept, but who's going to look after them on the way? Sending infants is a bit wrong yes, but again, taking one for the team is...
Join ussssssssssssssssss. Yeah, I don't constantly watch it because of the panties, I like comedy/romance anime and that's usually the genre that...
You can quit being an asshole about this now, yes my mother has trained to be an astronaut thanks. Just because someone hasn't served for their...
It's getting a dub soon, it's good. Also, 16.5.
Sounds Moe, let me know how it goes :P Almost done with Love Hina, watching 3rd season of Zero no Tsukaima too, as ell as OreImo2, Railgun S,...
You didn't read the part where I said they'd put people through years of training did you? My mum has been through all of the NASA astronaut...
Yes I did apply. Have you got a problem with that? I'd love to be part of something big and new. It's not like they're just going to pick 24...
I have HDDs full of it. And DVDs/BluRays... Suck on that.
Ima be the first person to watch anime on Mars. **** you guys.