Tsumugi Kotbuki reppin ma homebois.
Now create your own 3D renderer (without OpenGL/Direct3D) and render this with the same lighting and shading techniques.
You should set fire to the person who crashed into you. ****ing foreigners. /notracist.
Nope, he actually got poo'd on. It's a long story...
Perverted ****er.
If it was for any other device (android more specifically) I'd get it... Nobody uses windows tablets....
Guilty Crown time! The ending to Another was very unexpected!
Clannad - Dango Daikazoku (Dango My Nigga Remix ft. Busta Rhymes) - YouTube
Best of the four. Also, Ruby has a proper loli voice! +rep for ass shot at the beginning.
I have the Crunchyroll app for my tablet so I can lie in bed and watch it. I just haven't got around to doing so yet.
Can't read these :( Need to start watching this soon. :D
Far Cry 3 Style Editor. It's in the console version of the game, why can't 343/CA do the same kinda thing?
I want a Momo.
Makes sense. Creepy stuff, probs gonna watch the last two before bed. To-Love Ru is finally almost all out on BD, which means all uncensored! YAY!...
Dat Avvy. change location to "gooby's ass"
I block my housemates access to websites when they piss me off as I have the admin password to the router.
Lol Auby you wimp. I've got two eps. of Another to go, best Death was the lift for me. The fact that she knew it was coming and couldn't stop it...
I started Sakuraso no Pet na Kanajo for some reason... It's.... different. Need to find a good Guilty Crown link, anyone know where?
I'm buying it for Forza 5. Simple.