White is the new gray.
I'm not entirely sure if you know how this works.
I got to play Halo 4 at the First Look event in Utrecht, The Netherlands. There's a difference though. In Regicide the only way to get points is...
Played some Halo 4 today. My impressions: -I played Regicide on Longbow twice with a total of 8 players. -To my surprise there wasn't any...
We've seen the Falcon.
Definitely buying it. Great amount of content for only 400 msp. Too bad I have 310 currently and have to buy 500 msp to be able to buy it. ;_;
148s Grenade Launchers with only 1 grenade in them makes me cry every time. It should be spawning every 45 seconds or something if it only has...
Abandon looks like that map Nutduster build.
Are you a girl? If so pls leave a comment
They'll probably show off Ragnarok and Valhalla in the Bulletin as well as the new map that's supposedly being revealed by IGN today.
I wonder how many of them we can spawn. Probably not too many. :(
Woah, that guy commentating sounds desperate.
The Gravity Lift was a thing of beauty. ;_;
Ranked playlists in Halo 3 had AR starts half the time. Ranked Lone Wolves has FFA Swords. Ranked Lone Wolves has Crazy King with 30-second...
They could've at least make it look like his entire arm was part of the claw like in previous Halos. Now it looks like a normal-ish arm with a...
Well duh it's supposed to be a claw, but it looks ridiculous in first person. On the model it doesn't look that great either. It doesn't look like...
So instead of a Sword you now have a wooden stick when you're a Zombie. Okay.
I like that back and forth though.
I love the mechanic of getting shot out of scope on 4v4 maps. Bit sad to see it changed just for BTB. Also, I ****ing hate flinching in CoD,...
It's from the new podcast.