If the change the 's' at the end of the link (last letter before .jpg) of a picture into a 'l' it'll become bigger. For example:...
Having gone back to Halo 3 in the past week I've come to appreciate that Sniper more than ever. So satisfying to get kills with it compared to the...
Hey, it's you.
If you use the AR you're a BK. That said, the Halo 3 Pistol was a turd.
Halo 3 BR starts on host is pretty enjoyable.
I made a post on NeoGAF some time ago that covered this issue. Not so much the addition of specific CoD features or mechanics but more the lack of...
You are a terrible person.
Still around 750 pages to go.
Well, the great thing is that in Trials there's so many different categories. I usually just check out the best trial tracks from the past 48...
Most downloads was great if you're into naked Forge anime girls. :)
Personally I'd like it the most of there was a combination of the FC editor and Forge. Use the Far Cry one to shape the landscape, changes land...
I'm buying FC3 mainly for the campaign, but I don't mind supporting companies that actually put some effort into their map creator either.
From what I've heard they're only about 3mb in size. I'm gonna buy the **** out of that game.
RIP Halo
Is it still possible to make it so all vehicles are replaced by Warthogs? I have 8 Hogs and Ghosts on a map and when I put it on "All Warthogs" or...
Not sure if this has been answered yet, but can Infected drive vehicles?
Does Deadborough still have framerate and discoing issues out the ass like when I played it ages ago?
There's no covenant multiplayer map because there's no covenant singleplayer levels either. Microsoft doesn't like purple.
I always use the coordinate system to get rid of Z-fighting. Just put two surfaces on the same coordinates but release one of the two objects a...
Getting rid of Z-fighting without using nudge feature or whatever you want to call it isn't that hard.