Me. lol Hit the "Subscribe" Button. It'll download it next time you open Portal 2. Also, I've built a few maps I tested out on my brother. I've...
Just downloaded the trial for it. It literally hurts my eyes to play it. I immediately turned down the gamma to about 20%, but looking onto the...
So the map authoring update came out today. I spent a couple hours messing around in it and made a 'lil something. Steam Workshop :: First Attempt...
Oh hey, it's Deus Ex:HR all over again!
Not to mention it's Java... So even the simplest things will ***** memory...
Why I hate Java: Playing Skyrim, my CPU Usage is 83%, RAM Usage is 58% Playing Minecraft, my CPU Usage is 100%, RAM Usage is 74%
Old post, but still worth answering. The thought of a multiplayer mod for Skyrim is highly doubtful unless the Skyrim modding community turns...
Dishonored - Cinematic Trailer - YouTube I was right... Just sayin'
IMHO, I think it's just concept art for Dishonored.
Bullshit that you can't kill with something that you're not meant to kill with in the first place? Seriously, I swear the only times I've ever...
The server prices for BF3 are actually pretty damn good. It'll cost you $30-$50/month for a decent server on the PC, but on the Xbox it's ~$25/month.
Google Maps 8-bit for NES - YouTube Trial Version: Google Maps Google Maps is now available for 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment Systems (NES)....
Hey! I remember you! Happy Birthday!
It's never too late to start a skill in Skyrim. Also, Khajit have a bonus to archery, so it'll be easier for you than say a Breton.
I'd love to test it! It's nice to see some home grown indie games going out there.
Time to pull out the old jar files I still have saved and travel back to the early alpha when I bought the game! :D
I have a choice of 1400 or 2800. It's always been that way. Just deal, brah.
It's cool to see that the tutorial level is finally being put in. I remember back in alpha there was a button for it on the main menu, but you...
There's a release candidate version making its way around various modding communities right now, aswell. Everything looks and works right in this...