It's pretty much a domino effect: >Person1 is an asshole and shoots Person2 for no real reason >Person2 is now paranoid and will shoot Person3...
I have no idea where you're getting this logic from... There are more PC Gamers than Console Gamers out there. It's more affordable to be a PC...
Can't believe it hasn't been said yet... EVERYTHING is better on PC
Me and a couple guys from the GoO met up and started heading north to meet up with the rest of the group today. After about 4ish hours of raiding...
Probably entirely bullshit. The fact that the words "Xbox 720" and "Kinect V2" Are used in the pictures pretty much says it's entirely made up....
Well, hey, this gives me a reason to install that copy of Arma II I got for free off GreenManGaming about a year back! You'll enjoy this one.
Probably the reason they left it out to begin with... And In Oblivion, too...
Added them to the collection for yah!
GoO Server, Leptir1 Server, or Miningbros
I can't decide which one of the two is more impressive... They're both simply stunning.
Definitely didn't feel that way in the Multiplayer Beta back in 2010, and it certainly doesn't in the campaign demo on XBL. Hopefully those are...
[img] There was an Old Thread about this game from when its multiplayer beta was going on, but it wasn't really a thread about the game. ANYWHO...
So just go onto a server and start building. If anyone tries to make changes to whatever the **** you want to build (You still haven't even told...
A game every two years? Welp, there goes a lot of my faith in Bungie's future games... Bethesda, Valve, and Gearbox are pretty much the only...
So that IS the project underground near Venomia. Lookin' good, boy, lookin' good.
Is that the thing you've been working on near Venomia on the Server? If you're on a 32-Bit Operating System it's a good idea to do that. If...
Added all the maps you guys posted. :3 Here's the link again in case other people didn't see it. Steam Workshop :: Forge Hub
I made a collection for Forge Hub members' maps. If you guys make a map, just put a link up in this thread and I'll be sure to add it to the...
Or, hopefully, go straight from what it is to the retail 1.2. :P