Necro Bumping this thread because I recently had a Video Game Nostalgia moment. Last night I remembered Forge Hub: The RPG. Holy **** was that...
Yesterday after I got to level 50 on Zer0, I joined a random game on XBL and it was a bunch of guys duping guns/gear. There were only two other...
He's the exact same on both playthroughs.
GUNNAR TRADEMARK OPTICS!!!1!! 4chub memes aside, sounds like I've got myself a group to play with now! :D Hopefully I can get some better guns...
If this is on Xbox, I'd be down.
Working on my second playthrough now. **** this game is good... And long! I'm still blown away by how much work they put into the main storyline.
Three Vault Symbols is a Legendary Weapon. Three Triple Eridium Stacks is 12 Eridium. Those are the only two possible jackpots. I've done >...
My Sniper: [spoiler] My Assault Rifle: [spoiler] My SMG: [spoiler] My Revolver: [spoiler] My other sniper that I keep for teh lols...
Beat the main story a couple hours ago. Got too caught up in it to do any more side quests, so I just went straight for it. I've gotta say, it's...
This. I'm level 25 and the gear I don't even pick up to sell is better than those.
Just finished Chapter 15. Holy ****... This game is astounding...
Got to play it on steam at 9:00 my time (PST) My computer sucks, so it wasn't a very good representation of the game's experience. I played for...
Borderlands 2 Releases in exactly 31 minutes on Steam. **** YEAH!
R0CKET M00SE and I just did an interview for the GoO about the Arena we built on the server. Check it out!
I just finished buying Borderlands 2 for the second time. I now own it (with preorder bonuses, too!) on both Xbox and PC. **** THE PO-LICE!
Might not have been chrome's fault. Their servers have been going down constantly since the release. I was lucky enough to get the file sent to me...
You don't have to 'pick' one, really... You can only get to the bottom of one, for now at least, but you can have perks from every tree active...
I'm trying to decide whether my first character should be Axton or Zer0... Having the ability to go Invisible as Zer0 is INCREDIBLY useful, but...
We should do some more of that tonight! Also, Gearbox released the Skill Trees for all of the classes: Salvador Maya Axton Zer0
For any of you who have a Steam Account, Vote for Black Mesa on Steam Greenlight. If you don't have a Steam Account, get one then Vote for Black...