I'm generally not a fan of Yogscast, but I have never laughed so hard at a Minecraft video in my life. It's seriously worth watching the whole 35...
Still have yet to get Dragonborn, but I just got a new GPU for my computer. Now my Skyrim looks like this: (Spoiler'd 'cause I added more...
One point... eight?!?!? We're only on 1.4.7............
I honestly do not know how you can call something that's blatantly in front of everyone's eyes nonexistent. Again, I must bring up the example of...
The problem is that if a game is meant to be on console at all, they have to start building it on console then port it to PC due to the hardware...
The reason I said that wasn't so much to say "Hey, guys. Look how much better PCs are than Consoles!" It was to point out that they're launching a...
*sigh* I really wish they'd gone with an x64 Processor. With the 8GB of RAM they have in that machine, I doubt the average user will ever use...
Payback..? I don't get what you mean... PC is a vastly superior platform for multiple reasons. 1) More powerful hardware (Which you can continue...
It appears we were both wrong, Pac... It's being revealed over a month earlier than either of us thought... https://twitter.com/destinythegame
Bungie's from Seattle. If they were gonna do it at a PAX, it'd probably be the real one.
My guess is it'll be revealed at GDC.
God Damnit, Tex. I can't even post my own video... Well, **** you! I'm posting it anyway! The Ghosts of Onyx Minecraft Server - YouTube That's...
I hate MMOs. I may try this one out after it's released if it's still meeting all of my criteria. (Eg. No ****ing subscription fees, little to no...
Welp, Gabe Newell has been talking about Valve coming into the Hardware market for a while now. People have been talking about a "Steam Box" for...
So, I have until Jan 15th to buy the season pass, level a character up to 50, and beat the first two dlcs? Easy.
Dan Dan Dan!
WHAT?!?!? Screw GameSpy. I sincerely hope nobody uses that **** again. Maybe them losing all their money will be a good lesson for them.
Still played better than Halo or CoD which are the only other two games that would've won.
So Borderlands 2 won Shooter of the Year at the VGAs. Probably one of the only awards they've given out that I'll ever agree with.
PC Master Race.