that sucks.
I did not know it was free if you pre-ordered the game.
Although I do agree at parts it is poorly written.
I read the Hunger games, and It was pretty good. Edited by merge: I have not read twilight.
I apoligized. The apology was sincere in this specific case there was almost no chance on ME3 getting canceled. Again, if your one point is...
yeah no
So I'm going to the hunger games movie tonight
I'm pretty salty I'm going to miss the games tonight. Hopefully no one in my final four loses.
Oh boy, arguing on the internet! it was a two sentance point. I'm sorry I didn't elaborate enough. sure you can. The point of a business is to...
I'm well aware that after a certain point they can no longer put things on the disc. What I'm saying is that if the developer feels that they were...
I disagree with day one DLC. It's a cash grab because they could just ship it with the game. Its like if Halo 4 came with 10 maps on the disc, but...
Going back a bit, but if games were download only, you couldn't get them used or sell them back. and people without a HD would be SOL.
.5 day bump
It's funny because it compares a ***** to a sword.
I almost have 1000 posts in the PPC
I heard 21 Jump Street was really funny.
I already had Missouri losing in the next round. I also called the Ohio upset of Michigan and some others. Probably the best bracket I've had in a...
aww yeah, tied for number one in the FH bracket.