I want to post in the PPC, but I've never flown in a plane and thats all you've all been talking about for days. So i'm posting anyway.
haha nice
Thanks LD
Thanks man
So like another campaign?
As of right now i'm assuming 'spartan ops' is going to be more or less like 'spec ops' and 'spartan points' are going to be just like 'credits'.
NeoGAF - View Single Post - Halo |OT2| Hyper-Athletic Speed And Mass And Weight and Power Edited by merge: Frank O'Conner, apparently.
I lost it.
Such is the media hype machine
Oh god that signature. I haven't seen that **** in ages.
Hungover on a Wednesday morning?
See you starside?
Man, even though they were flawed, I loved the ranked matches.
None of the good republican candidates are running because they probably won't beat Obama. And if you lose an election, they won't let you run again.
I've got 3 of my 4 teams in the final four. I had Michigan State instead of Louisville.
That always bugs me too
If you don't have at least 1000 posts in the PPC, you don't know **** about the Off Topic
that's shitty
oh alright, thanks.