How would they check?
Why Catholic?
Would you rather have parents or be Batman?
My girlfriend said that Batman wasn't a superhero...
I'm fully flaccid
I just bought 72 popsicles for 5 dollars. **** yeah
I know what a proxy is, I wanted to know what specific proxy he was talking about.
Whats a proxy?
So you can't pick up grenades off of dead bodies unless you use a certain perk? I like it.
343 had a great strategy. They let out all the information that they felt was controversial early. We had time to digest all that information and...
It sure was, execpt for when [spoiler]
I just read it. Jesus man.
Not with ghost-merging.
How about no
[img] I don't know if this has been posted here
.25 hour bump
I kinda want to see that movie
Nah, keep this **** out of the PPC