Thanks, its always difficult to get a sense of a 3d layout on paper as a lot is lost in translation but these provide me with basic path design...
Cool to see your process because mine is quite similar, just in a different order. Here is a drawing for a new layout I'm working on. I just...
Yeah, I know Redy from Reach. I think he made a blockfort map and some other stuff. Anywho...this is a cool contest. I encourage you guys to...
more pictures please
Thanks for submitting your map "8" to our site but unfortunately it doesn't meet our submission requirements and had to be removed. You need...
[MEDIA] Sorry, I had a kid crawling over me before and wasn't able to save my message properly but was going to say that Luxor's layout reminds me...
This is looking great so far, I can't wait to play this. Will have to be after the holidays though...
The comment wasn't particularly in context to this map. I love volcanos and created a lot of projects in the past with those kind of aesthetic...
Orion was surprisingly really close to getting 3rd place. It was around 4 or 5 votes away from Basin. None of the Breakout maps made it into the...
Fantastic game on here the other night, I think you did a great job on this one. More custom lobbies please;)
[IMG] We finally reached the light at the end of the tunnel...forge is here and we've been using it for a week now. Our eyes still adjusting to...
Let me guess, you started a 2v2 map when forge released...yep thats fine.
Needs more volcano
Hi Brown Eye, I removed your map submission because it doesn't have any images of your map. If you could provide images for maps in the future,...
The better a map looks the better the gameplay. Every underqualified map designer knows this. :troll: Maps will be judged base on a combination...
Halo 5 has not seen 'complexion' yet, this is a new game and new forge so its open season to remake and bring back your own designs. If you would...
WARHOLIC submitted a new map: Luxor Station - a small 4v4 Arena map set to the back drop of a space station located nearby a Halo array, and is...
Forging Ahead - Halo 5 : Guardians Vidoc [MEDIA]
Thanks for letting me know about this one. I've been taking notes on all of the areas players have been getting out of the map. We'll fix it in...