Tit's right all throughout that post.
Fixed your broken clever.
Dude, this is great! The idea is fairly original (I've seen similar things, but the distraction factor is a neat twist), and it's very well built....
This is all sorts of awesome.
More good news from the world of science and medicine!
Sadly, this is true. Except I have two brains, and one of them is in my head. And oh, do they have wacky disagreements! They need their own...
Hope for the best? There's nothing you can really do, but luck might work in your favor. I mean, you could try and be bitter and offensive...
See, I find that to be really cool. I guess I just like anime art styles too much.
That's right. As I said earlier, it's the anonymity that makes them fearless. In a face-to-face situation, who knows what could happen? Yes, it's...
Misogyny. That's all there is to it. Males at the ages where puberty occurs are very aggressive, and a large portion of the males on Xbox Live are...
God, UT was epic. It's gotta be the best MP FPS, but my favorite FPSes are SP primarily. They've never been able to replicate the feel of the...
Yeah. It's the same tool that Valve uses to make their games. Y'know, a professional tool.
Sorry for calling you out, but I believe you have stolen Promenade, one of my favorite maps. Pretty easy for me to spot this, since I play on it...
Lol FPS noobs. Let me take us back... Duke Nukem 3D. It was amazing. Great levels, tons of baddies, wicked and inventive weapons (especially...
Here's the heart of the problem: This is Xbox Live. Any old person can hop on and use their anonymity to act out of term. Another issue is that...
I doubt that they'll do much. They did burn him pretty hard when he quit, and they (sorta) killed Chef, so aside from a dedication or something...
Funny guy. Funny.
They should name her Eight.
I'm a hardcore pirate (and not just the online type), but I do what I can to support the people who I take from. Like, if I get my filthy pirate...
It's Pikachu! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9o5_W6hn9kGod dammit!