If this happens, I doubt the set top version will have an optical drive.
I disagree. The difficulty of Rockets comes from travel time, and closer range kills with pretty much anything are easier since the player is...
OK, Spin, fair enough. I still feel like that doesn't cover a lot my points. The instant respawn isn't a reward for no effort, it's just a...
Yeah I was constantly forgetting what I was doing mid game and just walking away in previous Halos. Thank god 343 finally addressed this issue....
Lol. With Halo 4 power ups as a standalone mechanic, you have to get to them and then pick them up. The OS on Simplex is a great example....
You know I'm just a ****, everyone knew what you meant. :P
I disagree, Matty. BXB was the main problem in terms of combos because it was hella easy and messed with CQC something rotten. BXR was only...
Whilst I agree with the idea that Halo is tending more towards and arbitrary reward system, I think your examples are quite odd. I'll address them...
Well actually I'd say that "how good you are at the game" is a kind of ambiguous statement, and doesn't specify individual skill. Well my...
Citadel. Massively underrated and I think is a reasonably transferable design, plus it's not one of the "classic" maps so you could probably do...
OK, I think we're talking at cross purposes, because I misread your opening post. I was talking about being a better player, which isn't the same...
Whilst that's very true about it indicating how good your team is rather than you specifically, I think you're overstating how accurate K/D is....
If you consistently play with a team then W/L>K/D. If you run MM on your own like most people do then yeah, W/L basically means nothing. K/D is a...
I still have a lot of fun playing competitively with a party, and Throwdown would be fun if it weren't for the friendly only radar in Ghost's...
"Standard weapon" is essentially an arbitrary clsssification. The actual reason rockets aren't available in these standard loadout weapons is...
Spelling and grammar? Yes. Semantics? No. Semantics is the study of meaning, not a synonym for pedantry. Meaning is not in question, simply...
Oh god that's beautiful.
Yeah it's probably just a further narrowing of the window, hopefully enough to alleviate the issue a noticeable amount. I guess the balance has to...
You may find this interesting. From the playlist update notes: How much of a difference it'll actually make is obviously questionable, but...
Oh God, what have we started? Let's spare pino some heartache and try to keep this thread on topic.