I havn't even started forging ;) This is really the first map I planned before I forged. But I doubt that I can forge it myself, I looked through...
The "random" stuff like the golf ball, is all stuff from the rehab room, I just needed to add things for the inmates to play in there. I had some...
happy birthday.png :)
I somehow have to disagree with this one, don't get me wrong, the details are amazing, but the maps itself is rather bad, there is framerate and...
I played sims, I couldn't choose my voice. Why do you even care about your "voice" in firefight, now, I've never played firefight, but I hope...
After seeing the video, I wanted to fix your post into: "I have some friends with expensive cameras" But some of the pictures on facebook are...
Thanks, it was kind of unlikely to see a Thread with so much spam in the general section, in a forum that cares that much about rules and...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/136111-official-pony-thread-10.html#post1493958 ;)
You had twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. These standards include: A thread thumbnail showing your map A...
Happy birthday, other guy with a heart in his name.
Mallow and respectful, sounds great! Welcome to ForgeHub :)
Wait till all the pony people come and welcome you ;) Welcome to ForgeHub :)
Of Legions III The B.Kane Asylum [IMG] Welcome to my little "Thank you for all the votes that Of Legions made win Best of Forge" Thread....
Welcome to ForgeHub Zelda, as you may mave seen, we have several different styles to view the Forums, you can find them on the bottom left of...
Like a lot of glass and lights? We should be grateful that these guys manage to forge such maps with Reachs limited powers. Your argument about...
Don't listen to him Squak, none of us is corrupt. I think I should infract you for that, goathead ;)
Welcome to ForgeHub, if you want to share your Videos, go to the Screenshot&Video Section, not many people will see them, if you post them on your...
Hi, he's Berb. Welcome to ForgeHub.
I still have no idea what your rank is supposed to be there for ;)
How can you be a professional in weapon or spawn placement?