do you want fries with that, sir?
Welcome to ForgeHub Nick :) I'll just go ahead and steal my own post from another introduction thread, in case you are looking for somebody to...
decisions? Guys, you have Aiden ... and then there are some other great maps, but there is still Aiden
Whether it is fake or not, it reminds me more of arty sexual education than a game trailer.
80 sign ups for BIOC? And some of them even joined just for BIOC? You are just awesome!
Take a look at our TRC Section, especially the Customs Lobby. Here you can find all the BIOC and TCOJ guys guys over there for exaple. Or you...
Awesome xD
Name one well forged map by bungie, just one.
and batman
I know that feel ... It definitely looks promising, entertaining, simple, fun ... without all this fancy **** that you have to deal with in most...
Not yet, I'm still experiencing a shitload of connection problems at my new flat, if I can get my girls dad to place a wired connection at her...
Not good at introductions you say? Well let me tell you that this is the best Intoduction I've seen in a long time, most of the others are just...
Why do you just accept anyone in your judge searching thread thing, some guys don't even write a "proper" application .. are you so desperate?
Well, in that case, I'm in ;) Gamertag: i5m KS LD Why I think I could be a good potential judge: Forger since Halo 3, Known for aesthetics Do you...
So I don't need to discuss everything in a group with 8 people? I'm able to take the time I need, to look at all these maps, on my own?
Do you have any additional information? Like what I would have to look at, how will the judging process work and so on ..
nibbylove, do you remember the map we once forged? Well, I rebuild most of the base ... thing ... well you know what I mean. Do you think you'll...
I need half an hour to load a 5 minute youtube video on 360p :/ The problem is, I live in a small flat near to my workplace during the week On the...
I'm sure noone would like to play on my connection, there is a reason why I only forge when I'm online ;)
So we meet again, Redflex Ion