I have no intentions of getting that **** tier game.
Derp derp derpity derp derp
The required gametype is in the original post.
Pronounce it as Digimon. She'll never catch on.
Good **** bro. Poor Carmine is still my favorite lol.
crippled chuck likes to ****
wanna get on halo
I've opened my self open to all types of music as of lately. Rap has never really done anything for me, except for certain beats in some songs and...
I don't really like rap music at all. Yet, for the only 3 songs I've listened by Cudi are listenable, maybe because they're not rap.
Kid Cudi new frog here. Only have listened to Pursuit of Happiness and Day and Nite. Probably listened to Erase me(without Kanye) about 20 times...
Call me a frog but I would buy so many songs for Rock Band 3 with Transhuman's microsoft points. Also, Camo tonight I am FORVER ALONE. I'd...
**** grades. **** the ACT.
I haven't played Reach that much within the past 2 weeks. But I seriously have hated elite slayer from the very first game I played. Period. I do...
Id tap dat.
"Agaymer93" sounds pretty gray to me...always wanted to change it...finally did.
pretty chill bro. whenever you do get live...add roobinsky. that would be my new gamertag. so yeah dorp.
Heeeeyyyyyy duuuuuuddddeeee
Ever not fap for a month and then fap after that month is over? Feels extravagant, man.
I love me sum no fap February.