Hey broski...I see you got NHL 11 for Christmas.... I don't know any one who has it, so feel free to add me(Roobinsky) and I'll play against you...
This is ****.
at Texan: Last year after Christmas I wasted at least 80 dollars buying a long ass VGA cord and some splitter so I can use my monitor and my 40'...
and me...oh boy
I don't even know what that is.
That has to be one of the most stupidest things I've read on this site.
Too lazy to re read my posts orange
Exactly what I was going to say too, I'm still watching the Bears than I'm going to take a shower due to being sweaty from shoveling ****ing snow....
Camo. I know this sounds weird but I would absolutely to stay up all night and play Halo Reach with you bro. Weird I know.
I'm quite surprised this thread just didn't die period. Otherwise, list updated. Hopefully this benefits some people though, and is just not...
Swiper no swipin'
I have Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme sitting on my counter. FEELS ****ING WONDERFUL MAN
Would you like to play Dead Rising 2 today maybe sometime when you're done watching RedvBlue?
Cool advermertizin' brah
Are they bringing a couple cases and sum wiminz to party?
say froggy again and I'll punch you in the ****
considering there's a **** ton of snow in Ohio...good luck with that man... now I need a job haha...and my brother always ask to go shoveling for...
Congrats brah where at?
Well played good sirs.