yo dawg
and I would be roobinsky herp derp
you're danizepic from the goo server right bro?
I only see google's homepage when I'm not on my computer...
Happy Birthday Bro
I fixed everything, but all the wood we got is gone because of that...
camo and I legitly got like 8 or 9 stacks of raw wood and spent a couple good hours doing stuff, and I get on today to see everything reset to a...
Everything we did last time we were on is gone, What the ****....
I first read that as "With his hoverhand".. .
Dave Chappelle son‏ - YouTube
I've been trying to message you all day on skype none of my messages are going through :(
That would be REAL STEEL....oh wait
^ [img]
I can't open it though
To make our storage room I already finished the furnace room, it's alright, I'll go buy some wood for the chests.
I need 40 chests, I can buy them, but don't we already have chests in thing outside?
lemme get the hookup on that dpick yo!
A wild *****!