Did rep get brought back? I came back for it.
That **** is game breaking for Oddball. I've had my fair share on both sides of the game breaking as well and it is damn annoying.
Sup guy
I'd be interested in joining you for Rocket Race. My gamertag is Roobinsky. As for this thread, there's only one significant thing off the top of...
I'll be playing Halo 3 until I get Halo 4 on release day.
Hey man want to play some Halo 3? I've been playing for some time now, if you want to add me, my gamertag is Roobinsky.
Yeah, I've been playing with some friends for the past few weeks now. We play almost ever day or every other day or so. We've been playing social...
Hey man want to play some Halo 3?
Any of you scrubs want to join me and a few people on Halo 3?
Hey man, I'm on Halo 3 right now with a couple guys and have been playing for the past few days. If you want to join, my gamertag is Roobinsky.
I'm on Halo 3 right now and have been playing for the past few days, if you want to join add me man. My gamertag is Roobinsky.
Well that Bears game was pitiful, if it weren't for Forte there wouldn't be an offensive game today. Otherwise, if you ignored last weeks game,...
[img] I have nothing to vent, besides for the fact it's only 2 weeks into September and there is heat coming through mine.
that's totally not old or anything
Before I say anything, I'm quite surprised that people are even posting in here, almost all sports threads I've seen on here have failed, well for...
Aye yo, wario