ooh, I like the japanese style and it's impressive you were able to mimic it w/ forge pieces. any chance you can build a zen garden?
I'm using 4 large pallets and they are all just set to respawn with no fancy settings or anything. I have the first two respawning a little...
lol... well then I'm in good company. Yea, i've kind of been pulling overtime hours trying to get this posted first. :P
I'm not sure yet on all gametypes, but obviously slayer and flag are good choices. I've been tossing around an idea for a new gametype that is...
thanks guys. yes, please add me ARC. Would love to test this soon. xAudience, I know what you are saying. There is a possibility that more...
cool. also, I see some variation in the height of trees, but try to add a lot more variation. It will look more natural. Not just two or three...
what's up with the new name? It seems a bit off like the original name... any reasoning behind the choice? Curious.
This is my first map using the FOrge Island location. The premise is that it is a desalination plant (which turns salt water into fresh water)...
cool. I definitely like where you're going with this. the creeks are true classics that are great for what now days, is a smaller party. Is it...
it's up to you man. I was just thinking it might be a little better on Forge Island because there are more rock pieces. But i'm not going to ask...
post in the community customs section and you may get more participation... also, list the format of your lobby, times, and other details. a...
ahh... I can see how that would be a problem. What I"m confused about, though, is why the game is able to do ordinance drops inside buildings....
hey, have you thought about trying this again on Forge Island? More rocks might be good :)
your English is actually very good for not being your native language. the map looks good. What is the purpose of the shield going over the...
with all due respect, 6 days and 2 weeks are each not very long for production of a good map. that is not to say it's impossible, but consider...
some of these structures are pretty interesting. some good ideas for making large structures without using pre-fab pieces for bases, is always...
umm... they are arguing because you were first offended by someone's suggestion (that you now say you appreciate) and asked a friend of yours to...
got lost in wall of text... stopped reading because head was spinning. face it, you post maps here because you want feedback. don't take it...
just a suggestion, but one that is probably needed because you say you are new to competative map making... don't try to push out maps this...
middle area seems really open to me. It seems like with DMRs there might just be a battle across the center of the map from the sides constantly....