I should have realized this was possible because, while making Desalination, which uses lots of the water, I lost some respawn points when dying...
Thanks. I have a new version up on fileshare with some added cover. Probably not as much cover as some might think is needed, but I think if...
this is a very cool discovery, lee. I too, have found that initial ordinances can have too much ammo. too bad we can't directly control each...
cool. thanks for the info guys. I was asking about 1 per player because I thought I had FFA matches where some players saw a shot of the actual...
I don't think anyone who has loaded up forge at least once would need an explanation as to what a Loadout Camera is and what it's for, but how...
what do you mean by tyrant?
that pick of the rocket spawn definitely envoked Ivory Tower in my memory, but the rest of the map is nice and original. making a note to grab...
start off very simple. if you want perfect balance, you create a perfectly symetrical map, with perfectly duplicated weapon placement and...
dax hit most if not all of them... just think about whether you are creating an unfair advantage for one team or the other by the way you place...
to be clear, I am using phasing, and my tree 1's are phased slightly into them too. I'll go do some more testing to see if I can duplicate your...
keep working on that roof. Sometimes I can get overlapping pieces to just be *slightly* bumpy and it's tolerable. But the z-fighting can be much...
add those supports, and the structure would look very cool IMO. unless you want to add some visual indication that something is holding it up or...
i'm not sure why your pallets won't respawn, as I said in my Desalination thread... My pallets are respawning two by two, so that there are...
I think I like the changes, but as Knight said, you may want to balance out how powerful the middle platform is (if it is OP) also, how is...
Hey, nice dock! but no... you weren't first :P The rest of the layout looks really well thought-out and should provide some great gameplay. add...
LOL Funny. definitely looks great! **** land!!
I thought this map was really fun for CTF a few days ago. Personally I would have liked it just a tad bigger, but dpending on party size, should...
some really fascinating ideas here. did you ever play a fan-map called Purgatory for Jedi Knight? some similar themes
i suggest co-forging not "together" but having a plan of who is going to work on what. pass around a "hammer" copy of the file, which is the most...
had a few 1v1 playtests last night, and even though that's not very dynamic or representative of larger teams, we did find that sometimes it was...