Haha touche
Just bumping your mom
Hey guys! Figured I'm due to drop in- I try to post once a year
I answered 120 calls (I work at a call center). I also did well last month and I found out I'm getting over 500.00 bonus this month. Booyah.
:P muhahahaha
I'm the bowss.
I like guitar the best. I've been playing for ten years and I love it. I also like when people are able to go all out on bass as well,...
I'm a mortgage telephone banker. It isn't the nicest place to be right now lol. It only pays $10 an hour but I get a ton of benefits and the...
If I had to I would pick the right head.
I destroyed your walnuts today.
Yes it does affect your mood; it's really not debatable. I always tend to listen to music that reflects my mood, as opposed to changing it. Most...
Violence in video games doesn't cause mentally balanced people to become violent. Really it comes down to kids- if people let their children...
I dunno. My doc thinks its fibromyalgia, but I'm seeing a specialist tomorrow. I hurt all the time though and it's been for almost 10...
I'm in NY- the last few days were harsh but today it was 23F. It actually felt nice compared to -20 wind chill.
It was about 2 out, with wind chills of -20ish. Today was slightly better at 23. Oh, and poor you- all that cold weather down there. My dad lives...
First off, the mother should've shown him who's boss a year ago and put him out of the house. Second, who wastes a perfectly good taco?
The Happening could have been a kick-ass movie, but he ruined it like most of his films- big waste of time. Also, my ex-girlfriend had me go see...
Bc it's cold out...I live in NY