:D Dance partay? And, OP, there aren't that many great customs out there yet. And if you want to play some customs, talk to people round here....
Have you tried travelling straight up? You know, go with god/go up? There may be a hole in the barrier? Who knows what could be there.
How is three lines "too long"? For crying out loud, you must have the attention span of a goldfish. And "Trust me this is fact i just made...
I've played this, and I have to say, it was frightfully fun. The fright was from getting trapped and the fun was from evading skilfully and...
He gave examples...and black ops is only doing 2 screen. Reach and the Halo series have always had multiplayer split screen. Split screen...
Hey Swift! Welcome to Forgehub. Nobody ever really starts as an amazing forger, and everyone has to learn how to make things work. To me, your...
Welcome Kyle, I'd like to refer you to the FH Welcome Squad who can help you out with this forum and also with forging issues you may have.
Welcome back skiingiggy, be sure to be active again. There are quite a few returning members now, I notice, so you aren't alone in that category.
Maybe use a combination one way shield doors and lifts?
Double credit weekends are designed for people who play on weekends only. They allow these players to go up ranks faster. Therefore, I think it...
HLG can be extraordinarily fun. It is best combined with dance parties in open locations. It is amazing how long it takes a player to find you in...
bob guccione died on the 20th.
Thank you Tyler. I'll keep that in mind for any future works I embark on.