New, faster internet connection now! This is combined with it being Friday today, and I am super happy!
Hi! We now have more nationalities joining. I noticed a guy from Belgium I think it was, the other day. That can only be good. So, if you need...
Okay, I understand the reasoning, and I support you with it. There isn't really anything you can do, but in future, try not to have something...
To me, it appears you've attempted to place rocks and use grass as aesthetic pieces. They simply feel out of place and ruin the general feel of...
I coulda gone with the "No, I meant asquared" line, but I have a feeling this would go on forever. But more pressing matters await! To...
I wasn't talking about the chicken soup noodle dance. I was talking about you Insane.
Ahh insane, you so random. Imagine, he was the admin of this site...
Hey, cool map bro. However, it is possible for players to jump down into the opposing teams spawn. Might want to look into that.
Pshh, forgehub is just one of the better ones. We are the worst! Owai- I mean the BEST!!!1! >.> Welcome to Forgehub. Here's a link to the FH...
Oh, Insane got you good. Although he's practically in Canada himself... We all like Reach, but I hear that a couple of Medal of Honour fans snuck...
Bleep Bloop! Placed a multipmedia file-0g Now for the next achievement: Tell us something about yourself-50g
You are right. Nobody will read this. Luckily, the people who read this already are nobodies. Don't concern yourself with them. Concern yourself...
Ohai thar! Don't forget to utilise all the offerings we have to offer, like the Tester's Guild and the FH Welcome Squad!
Welcome to Forgehub! I hope you find your time here rewarding, and I think everyone agrees that Forge 2.0 is sooo much easier. If you need...
Drewbacca, the FH welcome squad...well...welcomes people and helps them out. So we go on intro sprees for the purpose of convenience. Preview...
I've informed the creator of conquest about this damage issue, and he'll follow it up. Out of the abilities five break gameplay. i.e they...
First off, "I'm not being serious." WTF? And the second statement means there are lots of games there with split screen. Third sentence means...
Unchanged simply means that it takes the base traits as what it'll be, not revert back to default. Armorquest is designed for beginning...
I don't even... From what I understand, you start off saying there are games with split screen, then say there isn't and then go back to saying...