Just sayin' advertising isn't appreciated much hear. So be careful with the ads, kay? Anyway, welcome to Forgehub!
I played a 4v4 and my experience was of camping players. It was hectic fun aside from that, but it is a little too easy to hit a player who comes...
Forgehub attempts to keep a proper ratio to the featured maps to the actual maps released. This will no doubt settle into the same ratios as...
Needz more railings, 5/5 But seriously, this is fun. It is actually best played without jetpacks, IMO, and with gametypes that encourage...
Go over to the GnA section and start up your own sig shop if you want to do some sigs. [Insert generic, bland welcome sentence here] Anyway,...
Cyanide, (a.k.a Sir Write-A-Lot?) you are most certainly welcome here. Forging is what this site purports to be for and it there certainly is a...
Pretty much that's all you can do. Just post 'em. Of course, if you pay off the mods, they'll guarantee you some views and lots of attention......
Australia ftw, mate. And we don't want to know about your p*n*s size. :P But yeah, you need help round dis place, just ask moi.
Ohai cogent! Somebody who wants to do stuff the right way! Yay! You need help, just ask me.
[spoiler] Rusty, that wall of text...Quoted for ****ing truth. I hate all the bitching about premiums getting features. Why did a premium make it...
Holy ****, that's a huge map. For a map that size you're going to want a whole host of vehicles and power weapons. There should be two snipers,...
All those switches in the game? They activate the ability to fly the Pelican. You just need to find them all.
The write up is amazingly funny, WaS. I, at least, appreciated it. And I can feel the pain of running out of things to write about.
The rules are partially outdated. Bumping is alright so long as it is not spam. If it is relevant to the topic at hand, it can be posted....
Hill sequencing is the only thing I really want. All the rest? It'll come along in its time with an eventual TU.
The hammer does not stand up. It is far too royal for that, no sir, it must remain lying on the ground, preferably on a bed of golden leaves....
I'm not one for big speeches either, so welcome to forgehub. I'm glad you are joining the guild, as they always need new members.
Get back to forging? Wilco! Oh, and welcome to forgehub, ask anyone for help. ;D cya round.
Dayum. Insane, you have a near limitless supply of these GIF's, don't you. Welcome man, have fun round the forums. Here's a link to the said FHW:...
WOOOOOOOOO!! New member plus party. I still hold that you have this magnificent ability for randomness, insane. Hey CBT, if you need any help,...