He really should have kept an eye on it. I love buns that few people get, because then I eat more of them.
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so that's two people I know who had a child on Bungie Day...lol Congratulations is in order, I guess.
I recommend deleting all kill zones and safe zones and then repeating the test. If you still die, then relocate or adjust the object.
that still doesn't answer the question of why you need a razor thin kill barrier?
I was, wasn't I? .:perplexed face:.
You need MM gametypes? Hmm, a little birdy once told me that there's this really cool guy who put together a set of filesets that contained every...
I'm going to guess that given you were the last mod posting in this thread:...
Good questions there. Cobb, now you have more work to do. MWAHAHAHA, you lazy basterd. ;P I would say that 'invisible' objects shouldn't...
That's why.
This thread does not meet standards. A guide to posting screenshots is found here. Also, a map posting template is available here. Unless there...
This post does not meet standards. A guide to posting screenshots is found here. Also, a map posting template is available here. Unless there is...
This post does not meet standards. At least one picture is required, or a video. Guide to posting screenshots:How to Post Screenshots Unless...
hey cobb, just gonna say, when you go to reply to people using this system, don't use the box on your profile. There is a little button marked...
Wait, since when does many replies equal awesomeness? I don't have any suggestions Tex, although, y'know, you could try the Featured section?
I remember taking part in some ancient tests on this map. Was good fun! However, the version I played had screwy spawns - no doubt they have been...
Goat is real emo about anything he makes. Its why he's good, I guess - he never stops trying to do better. So if he tells you he hates it, he...
You, sir, are epic. Certainly fills the ridiculous quota!
the ppc used to be helpful. apparently not anymore.