I would love to do this! Several times I have taught people how to Forge, and it's always such a rewarding experience. Plus, I can never really...
MARTA Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta
He's T-Painfully hard to listen to, as all of his music sucks incredibly. However, the sig itself looks okay, but those large white splotches...
Should "under God" be in the Pledge of Allegiance?
No. My sis is. =]
This looks really good. However, I hope the main characters name isn't Edward. You'd have girls complaining or awing over something so stupid.
Do you go to Lowndes?
I'm sure this will have little to no effect on children. They probably hear it from someone other than the president, such as their parents, their...
I don't mean to be rude, but you're an arrogant fool. Not only did you insult many people on here by saying that, but you made yourself look like...
This isn't why people become terrorists. If he can't give his thumbprint, how could he wield a gun or steer an airplane?
YouTube - Kid Cudi - Day N Nite
Tear that **** up..
Yes. It's so obvious. Awesome live action trailer though, but every time I see one, I want a movie.
Norlinsky, those people are idiots. They are selfish, and only think for themselves. There are other religions out there, and there should be no...
You must not understand the meaning of that quote.
Are you leaving or not? Stop getting everyone excited and then crushing their big smiles. Also, resorting to fixing grammatical errors is a sign...
Although this is quite discerning for some people, you do have to give it to him for not being violent. It's generally portrayed that all Klan...
When my mom is hogging the connection, I wait until she's off. Patiently. ..and if you're not paying for the monthly cost of electricity and...