If you have AdBlock, check the options and disable where it says 'Block ads inside YouTube videos.'
lolololol i got rrod yesterday. at first it'd freeze when loading up, like in your second picture. then, it'd just **** all over itself. im done...
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 will be XBL's Deal of the Week next week for only 400 M$P. Just a tip before you waste your money on these sub-par...
Reach's matchmaking won't offer hoppers like its predecessor (Ranked|Social). Instead, the general playlist's will be like Halo 3's social...
Glad you guys get to discover the bugs and glitches so we get an enjoyable experience! It mean a lot to us.. really. =]
Glad to have you here at ForgeHub. It has been getting a bit lonely around here lately, but I'm sure when Reach hits the shelves, this site will...
48 Hour Trial Codes: Go To: https://xbox.promo.eprize.com/tokenbase/?affiliate_id=stimuluspack Enter Code: MAPATHY The codes can only been...
Stun grenades don't work against riot shields, so just take that into consideration as well.
Whoa! Can't believe I missed this.. Definitely downloading this, as I remember you always talking about how swell it was coming along. I'm...
Or you could wait until 4/1, the day DICE releases their new (and free) map pack for BC2. Also, many people have said that the screens for the...
Know the difference between Battlefield 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Idiots at my local GameStop were like, "Uhh.." when a customer asked the...
Hey guys, check your email! Look what I just received! =]
Make a multi-tiered structure. On the ground level, make it open with lots of columns. On the second, make narrow hallways that'd be excellent for...
YouTube- Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Gameplay Moments #1 (HD 720p) Wait until the end.
Doesn't price play a factor in sales? Of course it does. A lot of people purchased the Wii because it was cheaper than both the 360 and PS3. Also,...
..and there's a reason why I do. [spoiler] Because people will take you more seriously if you post it here. I've been in a situation where I...
256,256,512,66560,33888,122776,8918,9458,119508,36760,66656,1024,512,256,256,0 It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time! Oh, and for you potheads out...
Hey, are you there?
I can easily get more game-time, and I'll create an email in a second for you to refer. Also, my Skype name is Jimbodawg. =)