List updated.
We pretty much always start at this time, but I'd be happy to put you in reserves and then we'll invite you in when/if someone else leaves. We...
Of course not! Hopefully I have a space free - I get enough requests through TCOJ that I have to go through and delete a few people at least once...
Thanks Lee - from our resident architect (of the actual variety) that's very nice praise.
Nobody's getting warned or infracted or nothin'. Just want to make sure it's not suddenly making the rounds that we're running a contest that...
At this point, nothing has been decided, but discussion is happening. Please don't spread rumors about the nature of the contest or specific...
[IMG] Curb Stomp Created by Fenix Hulk Recommended Gametypes: Infinity Slayer, Slayer Recommended Players: 2-4 To all fans of urban-themed...
^ Yes it was mentioned. Pity the lighting in there looks so damn weird.
Yes it is. Go download it and wow us with a new map already.
I will call you what I want. And that thing is a weird pronunciation of HgT. Therefore, your new name is Higgit. Oh also, welcome aboard!...
Can do - what's your gamertag, sir? Or ma'am?
The obvious answer is start rebuilding one of your WIPs on Forge Island, and make it even better.
Hell yeah. I've been daydreaming of making a mostly natural map since I first flew around Forge World and realized that no matter how much of it...
Trees and large rocks. Oh man, I'm happy.
Maps with ugly green walls in 3, 2, 1...
We've already started on it and suffice to say, it's gonna take a while. I ran a two-hour lobby the other night and we got through maybe 12 maps,...
OH GOD NO. :) We already have over 60 entries to test - it's a magnificent mountain that is going to take forever to cull properly. There will...
Lobby for Tuesday, April 2nd, 7 PM EDT Need to know how this works? Click here to read our FAQ and rules. This lobby will be held on Tuesday...
Ah, too bad. Those interior caves look too dark and glitchy to be actually useful. I'll just have to make my own caves out of the GIANT ROCKS. :)
Wat. How big is it exactly? That's awesome. Wonder if it was even remotely intentional... probably not, I imagine they'd give us an actual...