I do feel you on that. I'm hoping for a next gen announcement... it's coming out so close to the projected/probable release date for the next...
I find that reaction kind of baffling. If you're interested in GTA at all, how can a game that combines most of the best traits of all the...
Thanks. And it is good news - she just finished her PhD in English Lit and has been hired as a professor/lecturer. The academic job market is...
No lobby this week. Just want to let you guys know, I'm in the middle of a cyclone of insanity at work and at home. My job is crazy, my one...
We soldiered on and had a full lobby (3v3 at first, 4v4 after a game or two). So it's not a huge deal. Going forward though, if you think this...
Unfortunately the Halo 4 population has really thinned out, and out of my full friends list, it seems like few of them are on much anymore. It's...
Oh God I hate games like that. It almost salves the wound when the game ends and you realize you went +30 or whatever, but during the game it's...
New character trailers! Michael: Grand Theft Auto V: Michael - YouTube Franklin: Grand Theft Auto V: Franklin - YouTube Trevor: Grand Theft Auto...
^ That's great. I wish you had saved the video - and I wish Halo 4 had Reach's rendering system, because that sounds really funny.
Every so often I like to post (or post in) a thread like this one, just to bask in some recent victory or bizarre thing that happened in Halo....
Gentlemen: remain calm and don't insult and condescend to each other, or the thread will be locked and warnings will be handed out. There's been...
Lobby for Tuesday, April 30th, 7 PM EDT Need to know how this works? Click here to read our FAQ and rules. This lobby will be held on...
Thank you. I was wondering how it was we were already having this debate on a console that, per this very thread, hasn't even been revealed yet.
YES. Success! I think I may cancel the recap thread. It seems pretty clear that me not having time to do it lately is helping to kill it as a...
Boom, headshot.
Recap for Tuesday, April 23rd Recap. Recap those maps.
Indeed. >:( It's all good though, a friend of mine was online and jumped in to round things out to even teams and a full lobby.
As long as you guys aren't directly linking to or promoting modded content, you're fine. We're not going to penalize anyone for discussing it....
I'm resigned to perma-sprint, just like I was resigned to AAs in Reach. Basically, I prefer the out-of-box experience of each Halo game because I...