That gets to the heart of at least one of the major issues, right there: we became a fixed and frozen community some time ago, basically...
Yeah dude - just do better.
I ♥ you.
Good night, sweet prince.
I agree. The funny thing is I really think TCOJ was doing a lot to prop this site up. We were the only steady customs lobby on the forum and we...
One would think anybody who disliked a forum that much would simply stop posting on it. You hate the forum, you hate the staff, you don't even...
Sorry, I'm picking nits, a little bit. For the most part it was clear that you were just speaking from your own point of view - it's just that a...
In retrospect I probably should have just quit, but strangely I felt some loyalty to this place and to the guy who recruited me to staff, even...
It is extremely odd to issue so many disclaimers that it's "just your take" and point out how little experience you have here, then make a bold...
THIS RED FLASHING LIGHT DENOTES THE PRESENCE OF EXTREME IRONY. Caution is recommended when dealing with irony levels approaching critical....
Well I finally got into it with Schnitzel. That was probably months overdue.
I didn't quit. There was a general staff meltdown with like three guys leaving, and Transactionzero demoted me back to gray status also...
If you can't see how the first four are contradicted and discredited by all the rest, I can't help you. Of course you don't really believe all...
Which has what to do with this thread..? You speak and think unclearly. You're just flinging **** at people because that's what you do. No one...
You're embarrassing yourself now. If you had any guts you'd apologize for your actions, instead of yet again resorting to complete dishonesty....
Throw in as many ten-cent words as you want, "mate." I know you personally and I know how butt-hurt you were to not get recognition you felt was...
I used to have hopes that one of these days you would going to grow the hell up and realize not everyone is out to get you. But I can see those...
You're looking at it from the standpoint of a map designer. Forge is only accidentally made for guys like you. Its intentions were clear from...
This is nonsense. The staff we just lost half of was pretty much entirely "mature, objectively minded individuals." It was a good group - but...
So how did things go, guys? I really wanted to be there but I'm staring down a 10-day deadline on needing to get my house on the market, and...