I remember dat d00d
boom de yada
I've done all Spartan Ops Solo Legendary thus far.
Can I ask a question? Is "No-Shave November" for anything? Because in Aus, we have Movember where the goal is to just grow a moustache (or not to...
Backwash literally destroyed TVs... Sort of. There was an ever present fog on screen and the image would burn into the TV.
I can't see any other specializations apart from wetwork and operator. A few times I've been able to see all of them but right now I'm about to...
YOLO - YouTube
I'd actually been thinking about doing that
I've never heard it called anything other than "screen-cheating". And yeah, Complex needs to be fixed pretty desperately. It's not even a tricky...
my mate's having a Tex Mex theme for his 21st. What are some absolutely awesome costume ideas? Go go
Operator or Wetwork? I just hit SR50 and I'm in a dilemma over which specialisation to pick. edit: Nevermind, went for Wetwork.
True. Very true. But at the least, I'd have thought Relay would be a perfect suit for most playlists.
The addition of one or two maps into matchmaking would do wonders for the variety. You can get sick of maps much quicker when you're only limited...
Hey mate, been forging since Halo 3 too. And also dropped off in Reach. I think my problem was I could never get any half decent tests done so I...
Didn't see any other dedicated threads and figured it would be useful if we could discuss the most efficient ways of acquiring challenges; best...
If that's really the case, then why in the hell are there 3 forge maps!?
I'm confused as to why the shipped forge variants aren't in matchmaking. At the very least Relay could work perfectly for a lot of gametypes....
It works for me because I use jet pack more often than not. So something like Bumper Jumper I just couldn't use because of not being able to jet...
I've grown accustom to the default layout and I'm very satisfied and comfortable with it. Seems like I might be in the minority with this, lol.