I have read the bulletin. They've just outlined when they're making the pre-existing specialisations readily available to everyone. And on that...
Well, I hit the level cap last night. Seemed way too easy. If I put more time into it I probably would've done it weeks ago. Now I'm really...
Pretty disappointed in the specialisation news. I thought they were going to add new ones, instead of making the ones already there available. I...
New features, altered control scheme. Halo 3 brought in the equipment plus reloading separate weapons when dual-wielding. Reach brought in the AAs...
Incineration Cannon's closest relative would be H2's Rocket Launcher. Pulse grenades are semi like molotovs. In that they do damage on initial...
Good wow. Definitely.
Far Cry 3... wow
Christmas was small for my family this year. Just got stuff from and for my brother and parents. Got a gift card for my local comic store and a...
'Twas a very merry christmas. Just got my first perfection. Infinity Slayer on Adrift, 20/0.
I am in love with the BR. And I was devastated when I finished it. Both my Carbine and DMR are at the beginning of mastery. The two loadouts I...
What was that update tonight?
I'd definitely recommend Apocalypse Now, if you've got the 4 hours to spare. Not in any negative way but it is an exhausting movie.
Finally got that damn 20th stomp and finished those glitchy, retarded achievements. With the amount of games I've been playing in the Crimson...
It looks like more places are getting it. I'd hazard a guess that it should be working for everyone within an hour or so. Regardless of that,...
Both. Currently, the only way to play the new maps is if you've purchased the 800 MS Crimson Map Pack.
Their "30 minutes" turned into 2 and a half hours for an update on the situation. I get that this thing happens with season passes sometimes but...
The V energy drinks were sold are sold in most Supermarkets where I live, including the purple plasma. But I'll warn you all again; it tastes...
The Purple Plasma drink tastes like farts. I do not recommend.
I thought most people knew this. Not the same as actually zooming in though, you're just placing yourself closer to the object as opposed to...
I've been trying to tell people that. It's remarkably fun.