Looks solid.
I am talking about ryanoob saying apk's midships' angles were not right even though he could go between h3 and h2a to figure out scaling. Yeah I...
angles were not right even you can nail the scaling of everything using spawn points and go between heretic and building. They are just bias just...
Two things. Map seems a little big and top seems really flat. Looks pretty solid besides that though.
The major issue is he is beating a dead horse. People have already brought up their concerns with this idea. Who cares if GTF is all of what you...
Rat Race- I really enjoy the amount of teamwork this map takes in a competitive. I like how it is important to put a guy in tunnel to help control...
Or players insisting on playing forge maps that were in H3. Midship Clones
Yes I am.
He means like snowbound, beaver creek, construct etc.
Calm down CC's. I am talking about :343:. I know they have the ultimate say. This is not my first time around on of these things. I have been...
That's what I have been saying. That is the shaded hand at work.
War that is not even what I mean. I just think it would be nice to explain why some maps were pushed while some are not. Nobody is twisting...
Can you tell them to remove the stick from the buttholes then. Because that just doesn't make since when you are trying to sell a decent product....
Bumped this in case anyone wants to give some feedback concerning the HCS stuff.
So that is how it works. It only is there the last week of the month. That is why I could never find it.
You really think the map looks good? A lot of forgers had made asyms. in the past for this but they want midship. Guardian is a better map than...
It is also the maps.
I just think most forgers would appreciate at least an explanation why one map was chosen over another. I feel this would satisfy most if not...
@schnitz that sounds about right with my maps. Last checked I am about at the century mark for maps forged now. My big thing with these processes...