i ****ing knew it
You writing style can put people off sometimes. I just wanted to clear the air on that because it sometimes comes off that way. I know that is not...
i'm sorry but heroism is silly word to me to describe risk versus reward. I laugh every time I read it. Also if you could figure out a way to make...
High School Football is a really big deal in Michigan as well. My school never goes anywhere but there have been years where my county has had 6...
Big fan of sports noticed we don't have a thread to talk about it. I am a fan of the Detroit Tigers, Red Wings, Lions, and Pistons, Michigan...
I feel like I am playing duckhunter sitting with a sniper on the cancerous mole on the map.
back path seems really disconnected like north korea to the rest of the world disconnected.
slop and clutter
So in the lord of the rings you had the two towers. Isengard and the dark tower. Now the reason lord of the rings worked is because there was the...
No but there is sketch up and mcc to design with. Ass.:p
It has been really quiet. Peoples needs to shows me stuffs.
I don't know why they didn't make it a one bomb/flag gametype. Not neutral bomb/flag.
Not hating it is just when I look at this thread I feel like I am losing weight instead of gaining weight.
This thread is an abomination.
A good designer knows there are no rules only guidelines.
The thing you need to give close attention when making more traditional arena shooter layouts is how segmentation is done whether a wall, window...
I thought this was already an established fact and to add on to what blaze is saying. Just look at different games, even non-shooters, and their...
Can't a troll, troll. Quit trolling me.
That is a pretty guitar. I'll take some pics of my **** if I remember. I play in standard tuning now. I only have one pedal. I don't even use it...
I always just tuned to drop d or c. Never actually wanted to play a seven string. I got a gibson sg faded and a shecter with emg pick ups and...