The derps.
Powerhouse is my definite favourite. I've always wondered why people like Sword Base more - IMO, it's a terrible map - and I think it should...
.gnab gnaB
bro bro bro bro bro
I really cannot think of anything to post but I'm posting because lurkers aren't allowed. I may be late, but what's with the title?
I feel stupider. I thought about it for a few seconds before I realised.
I had a good long think about this, and I've decided Crysis. When you actually get into a game, it's a lot of fun to play, and to me has a lot...
I've played a few games of it. Apart from being absolutely terrible at the game, it's pretty good, but I find the controls to be a bit clunky and...
Get away from the door!
More steel.
That was hilarious.
5 inches is a lot to me. I come from Australia, and there I'm thankful if it snows 1 inch on the mountains.
Snowed heaps today. 5 inches. If you're wondering, I'm in Canada, skiing.
Really, Noble Team would win. Jun would just snipe their asses. Or Jorge would use his bigass gun. And Kat would hack their armour. And Emile will...
This was really funny. Me and seven randoms were playing BTB against more randoms on Paradiso. We were spawn trapping them and had at least 30...
I'm not sure whether to get this. I'm spending the points I have now on BFBC2 Vietnam. If I get some points before February I guess I'll get it.
camo and the froes cwutididthar
I'd like to be a detective with unlimited money.
I completely agree with Pegasi. I can play Slayer Pro against players who can't aim, yet I'm constantly being killed by people sprinting around...
Saw Inception for the first time today on DVD. Movie was good.