The new update stuffed up my single player map. Whenever I load it, it just comes up with the 'saving chunks' screen and nothing happens, and it...
Haven't seen the second yet, but when I heard about it a month or so back, I thought that it was too soon and too forced. Still gonna see it, though.
I love how it's May 22 here in good ol' Down Under.
Camo has it right.
Just enabling teams caused this? wow.
I'm not seeing any either
Just mined down a lot and found a mine with ten assloads of lapis lazuli, gold and redstone. Only problem is that there are 20 assloads of mobsters.
Assuming the game is actually released, I'll probably end up getting once the price has dropped a bit, because it's basically the only MP game...
Chuck, seeing as you mentioned Aliens, I'm going to use that for my comparisons in this topic. Personally, I liked Alien more than Aliens,...
Mother's day was yesterday where I live.
Oh my god my keyboard is broken or something. I try to type half the letters I put in don't work. I have to hit a couple of times to get it...
I am so annoyed. I finally managed to build up heaps of resources and equipment and stuff but I was an idiot and didn't build any chests and I...
I've sent out a couple, never gotten one. PS: before you ask, I don't camp, grief or any of that, it just seems the general population of people...
I was playing firefight and killed a grunt, and this grunt proceeded to fly 50 metres into the air. Another strange is that without me hitting...
NON-STOP NYAN CAT! For all of you that just watch the superlong youtube video... this just goes forever.
Wow I really hate daylight saving. My internal clock has been seriously screwed over.
Wow, power slayer has a huge load of potential. I haven't really checked out the editing options, so can anyone tell me what you can do with the...