I thought was the only one
Flameblad3 got away safely.
Ahh... yes, a proxy. Enough with these damn proxies, I'm sick of them.
He's new, but I get the impression he's been to fh before.
:O . wut
I don't even.
I would really like to get L4D2, but the Australian version has been censored so ridiculously much it's not even funny.
The pistons have given me a lot of new ideas. I really hope that they can be placed under lava, that would open up a lot of doors to everyone....
I hardly ever have ketchup except on burgers or hotdogs.
[IMG] lol I seriously thought mine was better than this.
Twice? Just once for me.
I was hoping so much for Borderlands 2 to be revealed. Was very disappointed about that, but the promises of new Halo games more than made up for it.
I've never really played any of the Elder Scroll games before. But wow. This looks extraordinary.
I was wondering what herobrine was... wow.
PPC cares more than we realise.
I understand what it really is, now that I have some solid facts rather than just rumors, but this is basically the equivalent of Bungie charging...
I am sickened yet fascinated. I am ashamed of myself.
Found this. 'Call of Duty' Targets a Monthly Fee - WSJ.com The chances of me getting this game PLUMMETED.
No, it's a fairly reasonable dream.