Yeah shanon said it was fixed.
Wasn't foundry released in Dec. or Jan. after Halo 3 launched in Nov. or was it March? Mannn time is so ****ed up for me.
How did you get the map pack gratis?
Hahahaha I know. Isn't there a last strike medal now? Not sure if I dreamed that.
I literally went "how would Shanon strafe" and got it down in one game. Could probably still use work but it instantly went from dying anytime I...
Shanon engages douche mode whenever we play Team Reg, which is to say, if we're both bottom mid on Haven, neither of us are king, and the entire...
Desktops: build them yourself. Laptops: Mac.
Well that all said, have you seen Evangelion? I mean, if it's just a remastered version I'd probably rather watch that, but if the original is...
You make it sound like that wasn't my point.
Hahahahaha ****ing chips.
How about they just remove melee? Or just make it do like 10% of the damage it currently does? People would be okay with that right?
Nothing has made me rage more. Getting killed in less than 2 seconds from across the map. Feels like every game is SWAT on Complex.
Everyone is addicted to H4 at the moment. And I mean addicted.
Team Oddball is a ton of fun.
You said something about your disappearance on Skype.
Where were you then?
You = fanboy ****. You did it with This American Life too.
Watch it. But don't do that fanboy ****. Leave it alone.
I must've never seen it. I've been talking about In Bruges for years.