Drew Carrey show is a classic. And he was an awesome host for Whose Line.
Speaking of Wayne Brady, Whose Line is returning. Only Drew Carrey got replaced by Aisha Tyler :C
Lol alright, let me know.
Certainly lol.
I never changed it?
Pre-order incentives and exclusive content are horrible. Limited edition exclusives I can understand.
I've heard about it, I used gamesalad to make a prototype last year. But I would rather it be from scratch to avoid any licensing issues and such...
You should probably send me a message on XBL so I don't forget. That's what I have everyone else do lol.
I capped stuff today... thought I was missing something, then just now remembered.
:P I can probably grab them today. Is 720 good or did you want them in 1080? Latter is .m2ts
You already have a dropbox account? Snuff Box - **** You - YouTube
Depends on if you already have a Dropbox account or not. But yes.
He'd be the one doing the suing.
School policy protects the school from liability, not the students. You should consult a lawyer about your options regarding a civil case.
No problem. I took a screen in case you need it.
Man Matt, this challenge is getting to you.
Forge Hub - View Profile: broccollipie Posted porn in the shoutbox, on purpose.
Dated how?
I cannot believe you guys didn't take proper photos because of some ToS snafu. Not to mention there are people on-staff with capture cards. That's...