I took care of everything on my list and I think the map is close to being complete. The map now supports CTF and Assault and I have used the...
I wish I had that problem. I think the forge lighting is so much better. I have broken the light map on a few maps and the lighting when I load...
I'm sure most of you heard this a while ago, but if not, the whole album is great. My favorite song is "Long Drive" #6 23:27 [MEDIA]
This is pretty funny. I wouldn't worry about any forge video drawing in a million subscribers. :facepalm: If you are a regular forger, you should...
You should just open up your own thread if you want feedback
We will play as long as everyone has stuff to test. Thanks for reminding me about the start time. Oops. :)
The views and comment count need to be fixed
@A 3 Legged Goat, Its not really that I just want to put something out and that I don't care. I just think I have enough map design knowledge now...
I agree with everything except that goat isn't a good forger. I hope you start posting soon too Salty, since you havent released a map yet either.
So I know you guys like Saturday for this, but my wife is out on Wednesday evenings so that is the best time for me. I have been getting **** for...
:) Thanks bro!
Well Think Twice was one of my favorite forge maps ever so..... I didn't know you were the one who forged it. Nice work! I don't know what to say...
I have a few gems believe it or not. Not like anyone gives a **** anyway. That's kinda why spending so much time on a single map seems pointless...
Thanks, but I was referring to my tendency to pump out untested maps in mass quantities
Goat, you need to be more like me. ;)
Chronmeister submitted a new map: Primal - Slayer, Strongholds 6-10 Players Primal Players: 6-10 Gametypes: Team Slayer, Strongholds Weapons:...
Primal Players: 6-10 Gametypes: Team Slayer, Strongholds Weapons: Sniper Rifle 180s, Plasma Caster 180s, Needler 90s 1clip, Shotgun 90s no clip,...
-Fixed lighting throughout map -Switched a bunch of pieces out in areas where invisible barriers were popping up -Added a bridge/ledge to piston...
Chronmeister updated Chestnut with a new update entry: Chestnut 2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
Just cuz I hosted doesn't mean I'm the only one who is supposed to give feedback. Most of you guys know more than I do about map design and your...