Ahh, cool, hopefully you can help get things rolling again :D.
Not too shabby. A little simple but there's some nice flow there with the direction of the lines. I would change the font of the text or blur the...
I think it's trivial to hate over ovr's aesthetic changes. Just really only trying to draw attention in colors of stuff, when instead it should be...
I like your quote in your siggy.. sir new moderator I've never heard of before...
Fun fact: my cat threw up just as I got to the end where the building blew up. It must mean something cool or not so cool. Either way, must mean...
That's really cool but I wonder how much of that is doable in multiplayer game settings. Like if you destroy a pillar will the whole roof fall in...
Halo 4 r cawl of dooty and halo 3 r cool with equipmant and geud bungie fourge suppuort stuffs Halo 3 maps our better two Heh
It's one thing to say Halo sucks now and another to say it will suck in the future. It could come back and it's pretty dumb to be so negative...
Ahh, gotchya
Another one of these, saweet Q: What's the difference between fan art and original..?
Cool stuff. And if you wanted to add the blogs section back again I don't think anyone would care. Sarcasm, not so effective on the internet. K,...
When someone dislikes something and only seems to sputter when it comes to a reason.
I agree 90%. It would be better if this site was a little more structured but I can't complain That post increases everyone's chance of cancer...
I think we can all relate to this in some way. I know I had similar experiences as you. As for this site, I think it has deeper significance as...
It would be cool to see what they could have done, but the simple fact is the Xbox community isn't ready yet. Try giving it a generation or two....
Well, that's a huge relief.. Now I'm actually thinking about buying it (after a year or so, of course).. Pretty exciting!
This is why it's good to complain sometimes ;)
You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair.
Not really sure why there's a thread for this but: [media] Pretty hilarious trailer if you ask me
I read an article about a bunch of retired Yale graduates. The most common complaint they had with their life is they wish they did what they...