Farewell, best of luck to ya man!
Okay, i lol'd hard at the wedding scene lol
Can't believe somebody's figured it out already: [media]
'Dat egg. Is pure egg eye candy!
New front page feedback: I vote too much white/blank space and the shadow seems a little heavy. It feels like I'm looking at my grandma's monitor...
Let's see, I would get Bioshock infinite, Far Cry 3 blood dragon, possibly saints row, skyrim, and assassins creed 3... that's if I had a PC :(...
Depending on my interest in the topic I probably will
I have a friend who's obsessed with the show. He's watched all 4 seasons at least four times, he's seen all the webisodes, many interviews, he's...
The 1st season was pretty large scale. I liked that. I didn't care much about Herschel's farm or the governors town. Hope they go big scale again....
Not to mention everythings been consolidated into fewer forums with the intention of focusing on prefixes and pushing members towards more...
People confuse greatness with talent and luck. That's what relativism will do for ya
AHhhhhhh choo /content
I didn't have too much trouble transitioning. I was ready to get out of the house and have some freedom (my parents were pretty strict). Hardest...
The 127? What?
ACII is free now if you didn't know ;)
Any idea if the blogs section will go up anytime soon or what the plan is for that? Not like it's a crucial asset or anything, just wondering as...
Ze germans got em
There are so many of these. lol