Chicks who say things like, quote, "The Lion King is MY movie" like its lifetime gross isn't $951,583,777. What annoys me more is it's all to be...
Idk about you guys but I'm having fun buying cheap Xbox games that I've missed over the years. Xbox One is a definite no for me, just too much money
Not really a frustration but w/e. Had my last day of working on a fishing boat in 4 summers today. Didn't really work there that long but still...
Funny stuff xD. Wish you'd transition between levels but that's a little thing. I've never heard of this game but it seems perfect for a let's play
I think it's weird that I feel like a crack addict when I watch those videos. Probly the only game actually worth pre-ordering nowadays
So much this^ Except I didn't mind the disk maps. That and I'm too cheap to buy DLC The immersion aspect is very true though. The audio alone is...
Of course D:
\I've read the description and uh, can I use all of them on Mac? Problem might be partly that I just woke up from 2 hour nap
I get the humor in it, but like I said, they're not all out for money. They also want to improve their "next-gen technology."
Good one ;) I'm sure they're also interested in furthering the technology. But I don't entirely see why... Maybe a broader audience? Maybe Xbox...
Just says Bad Request when I click on it?
They probably won't.. just sayin', their interest is in ensuring developers will have a market for their kinect-based games. On another note, I'd...
Yuss [IMG]
Rage episodes are always funny XD It could do with better video quality but meh, I don't think anyone cares as long as you can see it. Nice one!
Eyre rourgh rou.
Today's frustration: My mom wants me to clean the entire house and comments that she quote, "won't pay for anything else for me" for the entire...
'Dat GnA forum :C
Naive people I guess. They didn't know what they were doing, didn't even know to give sales tax. My boss will compensate and give me some extra,...
No tip after 4 hours work and the largest fish this season. Greeeat.
I haven't been on a server in a loong time. If there's an active server with 15+ regulars visiting a day then I'd be more willing to get back into...